Friday, August 12, 2011

100 Things I'm Thankful For: #10. Music

OK, so this is my big coming out post. I don't tell many people this for fear of judgement and outright endless mockery so don't you judge me! Remember, to each his own. Ready for it? I love Hanson. Yeah that's right, I said it! The once long haired MmmBop'n band of brothers are still making music and touring and I still listen. I got to see them perform at National Me to We Day in 2007... ahhhh, that was a great day. Anyways my point is this: Everyone has different tastes and connects to music in different ways for different reasons and I love that; it brings out part of your uniqueness.
The other great thing about music is how it can make me remember a certain time in my life or specific event so vividly like a weird flashback sequence in a sitcom (ie. Monica in the fat suit at Ross' college party.) "Shoop" by Salt-N-Pepa takes me back to the awkward afternoon dances in middle school and "Counting Blue Cars" by Dishwalla was playing while driving to my sister's wedding reception - I was in the back seat, the sky was blue, the window was down. "Everything Will Be Alright" by Joshua Radin puts a newborn Paxton sleeping on my lap in his glider and "The Banana Boat Song" always makes me think of Chris mainly because he purposely sings the lyrics wrong every time just to drive me nutty! LOL The list goes on and on and on.
Music can make me happy, sad, energetic, or mellow. I have so much fun with it! What's your flashback trigger?

100 Things I'm Thankful For: #9. The Internet

I always hear a lot of talk about the evils of the Internet and how it's ruining the world. Yikers! I'm not going to argue the bad points because truthfully there are a lot of awful things on and about the Internet but allow me to focus on the good points here - I think there are a lot of them!
I love how email can keep me in touch with everyone at any point during the day with a quick note or a long drawn out over-detailed account of my week (an email perhaps only my Mom would appreciate). LOL It gives me a lot more free time with the ability to do all my banking in a few clicks or find recipes, directions, compare prices, online shop, etc. in a flash. I can also post pictures of Pax so our far away family can stay in the loop with how he's growing and what he's up to and in turn everyone else posts pictures and I can keep up with them too! That goes hand in hand with Social Networking - sites like Facebook let me see what so many friends, past and present, are doing and where life has taken them. It's just fun!
In addition to those things, the wealth of information is incredible. I know you can't believe everything you read on the Internet but there are so many reputable site out there that I use for advice, explore things that interest me, or just get general information like what time a movie is playing. I also rely on the Internet for all those pesky moments when I'm trying to remember the name of that guy from that movie with the girl from that other movie about the people stealing the stuff from that place. Know what I mean!?! We've all had those moments.
The Internet had it's cons but the pros are fantastic! I heart the Internet, I'm thankful for the Internet, and I don't know what I'd do without it :o)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

100 Things I'm Thankful For: #8. Lazy Days

Before our little Paxton came along I used to think that 'relaxing' was so unproductive and just plain wrong. I never slept in, I was up and out of the house first thing in the morning - waste no time and be productive was what I thought. Oh how times have changed!
With some help from Pax and a beautifully written, insightful book called "Reinventing Mom" by Dr. Kelly Pryde (publishing details to come, I'll keep you posted!) I'm starting to master 'il bel far niente' which means the beauty of doing nothing. **Side note: I totally stole that from the book... but I know the author, she won't mind. LOL** I have come to love sitting on the beach with Chris and Pax watching the waves come in and boats go by, snuggling up in bed on Sunday morning, following ants in the driveway just to see where they go, and blowing a million bubbles for our dog to chase in the yard. Lazy days make me feel connected to my family and those are the days I remember most.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

100 Things I'm Thankful For: #7. My Biggest Fans

I love this picture - It's my son Paxton cheering at our friend's soccer game. I thought it was the perfect picture to show something that I'm so thankful for and that's having my own personal fans and cheerleaders in my life. I have a great group of friends and the most amazing family. No matter what I choose to do to with my life they are there to encourage me and cheer me on. Everyone takes an interest in my interests and supports my ideas no matter how wacky them seem. I have people to lean on and who are happy to help whenever I call. I have an never ending source of hugs and inspirational words when things go wrong and loud "Woot! Woot!'s" when all is going right! Having this support system gives me the courage and strength to tackle anything life throws at me from changing career paths to cutting my hair - I've got lots of love no matter what. Woot! Woot!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

100 Things I'm Thankful For: #6. Pets

This is our 4 year old Golden Retriever 'Jersey' and we also have two cats 'Pippen' and 'Salem'. Our house can certainly feel like a wild animal kindom at times with Jers chasing one cat under our feet while the other cat is pawing at our legs for treats but I wouldn't trade it for anything. We are pet people and I'm sure we'd have more if we had a bigger house. I recently read an article about the benefits that pets have in your life - they make you more active, lower blood preassure, fight lonliness & depression, provide a sense of security, etc... How wonderful and very true is that?! On a bad day I can't help but feel lighter when Salem hops into my lap to snuggle or when Jersey brings me an old battered chew toy with a look of goofy excitment on her face. I never feel nervous at home alone at night with Jersey in the house like I used to. I get up and go even when I'm tired because I know Jersey needs some fresh air and exercise. All our pets are a constant source of entertainment as well and we often find ourselves watching them instead of tv in the evenings - watching our big dog get chased and bullied by our little cat never gets old somehow LOL
So I love these guys as crazy as they may be and they help make our house a home. Super thankful for pets!

Friday, June 17, 2011

100 Things I'm Thankful For: #5. Coffee

In the words of Barry White: "I've heard people say that too much of anything is not good for you, baby. Oh no, but I don't know about that." Ooooh that's how I feel about coffee! I realize I have a problem, I'm not in denial, but it's just so delicious. And it's really all the aspects of coffee that I enjoy so much including the aroma that fills the room when a fresh pot is brewing and the warmth of the mug when I snuggle up to it in the morning; it makes me feel happy and relaxed almost instantly.
Coffee also reminds me of great connections. It was my sidekick when I met my husband while serving in a coffee shop and the drink of choice many great conversations have been had over with friends and family. Going out for coffee is still my favorite way to bond with people.

In addition to all those wonderful things, it's just a great antidote for the morning blahs.

Thanks coffee... I do love you so :o)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

100 Things I'm Thankful For: #4. Daddio

Last night I got home to find our tent all set up in the backyard - Chris and Pax had 'camped' that afternoon. This isn't something that surprised me at all. It's common to walk in the door and find the two of them surrounded by a cardboard box fort they spent the afternoon building, or in their swim trunks running through the sprinkler in the backyard, or playing bugs chasing each other around the house buzzing. That's just the kind of fun -loving full of life Dad that Paxton has. Chris (or Daddio as we call him at home) is the best snack-maker, ball tosser, bubble blower, and story reading snuggler any family could ever ask for and he's all ours. Lucky lucky luck us.