I love this picture - It's my son Paxton cheering at our friend's soccer game. I thought it was the perfect picture to show something that I'm so thankful for and that's having my own personal fans and cheerleaders in my life. I have a great group of friends and the most amazing family. No matter what I choose to do to with my life they are there to encourage me and cheer me on. Everyone takes an interest in my interests and supports my ideas no matter how wacky them seem. I have people to lean on and who are happy to help whenever I call. I have an never ending source of hugs and inspirational words when things go wrong and loud "Woot! Woot!'s" when all is going right! Having this support system gives me the courage and strength to tackle anything life throws at me from changing career paths to cutting my hair - I've got lots of love no matter what. Woot! Woot!
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