In the words of Barry White: "I've heard people say that too much of anything is not good for you, baby. Oh no, but I don't know about that." Ooooh that's how I feel about coffee! I realize I have a problem, I'm not in denial, but it's just so delicious. And it's really all the aspects of coffee that I enjoy so much including the aroma that fills the room when a fresh pot is brewing and the warmth of the mug when I snuggle up to it in the morning; it makes me feel happy and relaxed almost instantly.
Coffee also reminds me of great connections. It was my sidekick when I met my husband while serving in a coffee shop and the drink of choice many great conversations have been had over with friends and family. Going out for coffee is still my favorite way to bond with people.
In addition to all those wonderful things, it's just a great antidote for the morning blahs.
Thanks coffee... I do love you so :o)