Friday, June 3, 2011

Project One: Thankful = Happy.

"The secret to happiness is gratitude and reflection." Lately I feel like the universe is putting this idea in my face at every turn: an article in a waiting room magazine, books out of place in Chapters, and even while googling completely unrelated topics, I've ended up on gratitude related sites! You can say it's a coincidence but I don't think so. I hear that the universe starts out with a whisper and if you don't pay attention it'll slap you upside the head! So I say this:

Dear Universe:

I'm Listening!

Love: Val xo

I think I'm a very happy gal and so thankful for the things in my life but I never have a problem kicking it up a notch and so cue 'Thankful = Happy.' In this first project I plan to compile a collection of photographs of 100 things that I am thankful for in my life. It can be anything from the obvious to obscure and in no particular order. I'd love to get your feedback as the post starts rolling :o)


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